
Out of 11 Ratings

Owner's of the Honeywell Scanner 3800g gave it a score of 3.4 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    3.45 out of 5
  • Durability

    3.82 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    3.27 out of 5
  • Performance

    3.18 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    3.18 out of 5
of 156
8 - 4 3800g/3800gHD/3800gPDF User’s Guide
Supported Interface Keys
IBM, Memorex Telex (102)*
Supported Keys
Memorex Telex (88)**
Supported Keys
NUL 00 Reserved Reserved
SOH 01 Enter Enter
STX 02 F11 PF10
ETX 03 F12 PF11
EOT 04 F13 PF12
ENQ 05 F14 Reserved
ACK 06 F15 Reserved
BEL 07 New Line New Line
BS 08 F16 Field Forward
HT 09 F17 Field Forward
LF 0A F18 Reserved
VT 0B Tab/Field Forward Field Forward
FF 0C Delete Delete
CR 0D Field Exit New Line
SO 0E Insert Insert
SI 0F Clear Erase
DLE 10 Error Reset Error Reset
DC1 11 Home Reserved
DC2 12 Print Print
DC3 13 Back Space Back Space
DC4 14 Back Tab Back Field
NAK 15 F19 Reserved
SYN 16 F1 PF1
ETB 17 F2 PF2
CAN 18 F3 PF3
EM 19 F4 PF4
FS 1C F7 PF7
GS 1D F8 PF8
RS 1E F9 PF9
US 1F F10 Home
* IBM 3196/97, 3476/77, 3191/92, 3471/72, Memorex Telex (all models) with 102
key keyboards
** Memorex Telex with 88 key keyboards