View a quick snapshot of where you stand in your career. This menu displays your goal
status, legacy rank, XP, and statistics.
Use this checklist to keep track of everything you are slated to do. Practices, scheduled
games, and advancing the week are all listed in checklist form so that you never
accidentally skip a task.
Go deeper into Connected Careers by navigating to the following areas:
Personnel Make any roster moves or view the injury report.
My Career Check out the Hall of Fame, buy packages, retire, or demand your
outright release.
Statistics View all team stats, coach stats, career stats, season stats, and the
league standings.
Strategy Make adjustments to the audibles, scheme, or auto-subs.
History View yearly awards, weekly awards, Pro Bowl voting, and NFL records.
My League Set your league settings, transfer the commissioner duties, and adjust the
league sliders.
During the season, you’ll have the opportunity to practice as your player or with the
team. You’ll have the option to select from various scenarios based on difficulty. Utilize
this time to rack up some much-needed XP and secure your spot on the depth chart.
Use the Scouting menu to view the players available for scouting in the upcoming draft.
You’ll have the opportunity to select the exact attributes you want to unlock with your
scouting points. The first time you scout an attribute, you’ll receive a letter grade. Scout
again, and you’ll get the true rating of that particular attribute.
Watch closely, as some rookies now contain branching storylines. One week, your top
prospect may be on track to win the Heisman, but if he breaks his leg the next week, he
may not remain a first round pick.
During the offseason, you need to bolster your roster to account for players whose
contracts have expired or been traded. Drafting players is a crucial part of building a
franchise, so use your draft picks wisely. Watch as the tweets start flying in when a pick
is made or even use Trey Wingo to break down the rookie’s long path to the draft.
If you are in an online Connected Careers with multiple users, the Draft is treated as a
real time event, so everyone needs to be in the Draft Hub ready to go all at once.
Free agency is a key period during the off-season that should be used to improve your
roster. Select the player you want to target carefully as you make your initial offer.
After the first week, you’ll find out if the free agent accepted your offer, took an offer
from another team, or still hasn’t made a decision. At this point, you’ll have the chance to
increase your offer, stay put, or pull your offer off the table.
As you play games, your player gains XP according to his performance. Spend your XP
here to build up your player’s attributes and customize his strengths.
The XP you earn as a coach can go a long way into make your job easier. Buy packages
that help your scouting department, make a player more interested in resigning with
you, and much more.
In the hub, you’ll also have the choice of how you want to progress the players on your
team. You can choose to have this done automatically for you or do it manually.
You have the option to retire your character at any point in your career. By doing this,
you’ll also have the option to select a new player or coach and pick up at the same exact
point in the season or year in which you left.
Every award, from MVP titles to Super Bowl championships, counts toward your legacy
score. The legacy score measures your performance against the legendary players and
coaches of the past. You’ll need a high legacy score to end up in the Hall of Fame.
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The Hall of Fame is the greatest single achievement for a professional player or coach.
Earn a legacy score worthy of being inducted into the Hall of Fame before you retire.
You’ll also be able to compare yourself to other users that have made the Hall of Fame
for the ultimate bragging rights.
Take control of your Career from the web by visiting www.MaddenCareer.com. A more
detailed breakdown of the Connected Careers website is coming soon!